Research the Bible online! This is an excellent place to perform keyword and passage searches on the text of the Bible.
Lasers, Tesla Coils, High Energy Discharge, Gadgets, Kits, Plans.
This site provides a cool space/atronomy image each day, with an explanation of what is being pictured. There is also an archive of the previous pictures of the day. Check it out, download some cool images.
The link says it all.
A complete and powerful Internet Search Engine.
Tons of good stuff about UNIX. If your into UNIX, check this site out.
An interesting USGS site.
Interested in the environment? Then you many be interested in this site.
Want to know what time it is? Exactly? This is the most accurate source of time around. The time available at this site is based on a Cesium Beam clock.
A very complete guide to buying a new or used car. Prices, both MSRP and invoice, specs, reviews, etc. A great site.
Looking for a really hot used car, this is the place.
Let's talk weather.
Public television.